School Operations

Parent Support Group

​The PSG is an open & social group made up of a volunteer executive, staff advisors, and parents. Meetings are scheduled monthly and announced in the school newsletter. For more information, email

The PSG executive consists of the following:

President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Hot Lunch and Shopping Card Coordinators.

The PSG are dedicated to:

  • Small project fundraising

  • Helping our students and teachers

  • Organizing fun events for our school

  • Providing valuable feedback to our school council

School Council

The philosophy statement for the Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese recognizes parents as the child’s first teachers. Parents have the primary responsibility for the education and Christian formation of their children. Our schools exist to complement this responsibility, not to replace it. Parents have a right to the Church’s help with their responsibilities as teachers of their children.

Parents also play an important role as elected members of school councils. Through its constitution the Catholic Independent Schools Society of Nelson Diocese delegates some of its authority to these councils to ensure the effective operations of schools throughout the diocese. The objectives of the School Council are listed in the Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese Policy Manual.

Vacant- Chair

Stacey Bachynsky- Finance

Secretary- Asia Wilson

Rob GrahamMaintenance

Iris Vlake - Education

Rob GrahamMaintenance

Brook McLaughlin - Ways and Means

Heather Currens - Member at Large

Fr. Cerlouie- Pastor

The School Council is responsible for the financing of the school and the establishment of policies and procedures for the efficient and safe functioning of our school.  Meetings of the School Council are held each month.  All parents and parishioners are invited to attend these open meetings.

For more information please contact