Join us for "Superstar" our Christmas play today at 1pm and 6:30pm. Admission is free but donations to the food bank are welcome ! Merry Christmas!
1 day ago, Kat Grootjes
students in camel costume
OPEN HOUSE supporting Children & Youth with Support needs. - Please join us if your child or youth (birth to 18) has support needs (whether currently receiving services or not) - You or your organization support children or youth with support needs. Tuesday, December 3, 2024 11:30 am - 1:00pm & 4:00pm - 8:00pm Rotary Centre for the Arts (Atrium) 421 Cawston Ave, Kelowna Soup and refreshments will be served Children activities l Door Prizes
26 days ago, Carol Cameron
Come to our OPEN HOUSE!
Winter Plant Fundraiser 2024 Tomorrow, Thursday November 14th is the deadline to order your beautiful poinsettias, wreaths and more for Christmas! Delivery will be for December 2nd/3rd and you have until tomorrow, November 14th at 2pm to get your order in. Please visit to order your plants - you can pay by card, cheque or cash. Paper order forms will be going home next week. Remember they look beautiful at your house or as gifts for family and friends! Thank you for supporting your PSG! Any questions please contact Emma Webber 250-869-2259 Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Carol Cameron
Winter Fundraiser is Ending Soon!
Winter Plant Fundraiser 2024 It is time to order your beautiful poinsettias, wreaths and more for Christmas! Delivery will be for December 2nd/3rd and you have until November 14th at 2pm to get your order in. Please visit to order your plants - you can pay by card, cheque or cash. Paper order forms will be going home next week. Remember they look beautiful at your house or as gifts for family and friends! Thank you for supporting your PSG! Any questions please contact Emma Webber 250-869-2259 Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Carol Cameron
OLOL School Winter Plant Fundraiser!
Happy Halloween from the Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary Inside Out crew!
about 1 month ago, Carol Cameron
Happy Halloween from the Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary  Inside Out  crew!
We have prizes for the best: Lantern🏮 Group costume👻🎃👻🎃👻 Costume makeup💄 Original costume🧙‍♀️ Wowzer costume🧟‍♀️ We are still looking for volunteers, please sign up if you can help us. Tickets can be pre purchased through your Hot Lunch account Tickets also available at the door. Please bring CASH ONLY for food purchases.
about 2 months ago, Kat Grootjes
spider web and spiders for Halloween
Support local and support our school! Head to Paynter's Fruit Market on Thursday, September 26 to purchase an ice cream or coffee/tea and a portion of the proceeds will go to OLOL.
3 months ago, Kat Grootjes
coffee and ice cream pictures
Don't forget Monday September 16th is school photo day. Please wear your crested item.
3 months ago, Kat Grootjes
two students in school uniform, smiling
3 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
CISND Hiring Teacher
Welcome Back! We are thrilled to have staff and students back in our classrooms for another year at Our Lady of Lourdes! Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. - Proverbs 22:6
3 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Back to School CISND
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything CISND, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
3 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
CISND App Launch
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
3 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
app launch
It's time to register for another amazing year at OLOL! We are now accepting admissions for the 2024-25 school year! Visit our website! And don't forget to download our APP! It's everything OLOL, in your pocket. Download for Android: Download for iPhone:
3 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Register - OLOL
4 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
School logo next to "we are hiring: librarian!"
Superintendent Message
4 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
letter from the superintendent
Reminder last day of school dismissal is Tuesday at 11:40am.
4 months ago, 01Apptegy Admin
the words, "attention" highlighted by pointed arrows
It's Tiki carnival day which means it's time to wear your best tiki party/Hawaiian outfit to school and if you do then no uniform needed today!
4 months ago, 01Apptegy Admin
tiki appearing next to hawaiian flowers
Come join the fun! OLOL Tiki Carnival on Friday June 7th from 4:30pm - 7pm in the school parking lot. Wear your best luau outfit and come prepared for a carnival party like no other!
4 months ago, 01Apptegy Admin
old tiki carnival next to pineapple with glasses on
Join us for today for a lighthearted musical twist on the original story of Aladdin, at Our Lady of Lourdes School! Aladdin is today, May 31 at 12:45PM and 6:00PM.
4 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
three kids dressed up as aladdin characters
Tomorrow, May 30 CISND schools is hosting a collection day of Toonies for Tuition. Send your child to school with a toonie to help support Catholic education across Canada. You can learn more about the initiative at
4 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
hands coming together
coins stacked together
bar graph explaining student enrollment in Canadian catholic schools